Bozeman in June: My Garden Thoughts.

Beet Sprout

June is probably one of my favorite months in Bozeman. The muddy spring season is mostly over and everything is beginning to turn green. The temperatures are ideal for spending every spare moment out-side and you are still surrounded with snow-capped mountain peaks.

The 360° view of this area in June always has me in awe. The combination of snow in the mountains and green fields down in the valley really does amaze me.

The Bozeman area is surrounded by farms, and the other day while driving I had to pull over and just admire it all. It was lightly raining that day, there was some lovely mist to go with the snow-capped mountains, and to top it all off there was a field of cows with all the spring calves! 

My soul is at rest soaking in these small moments of stunning beauty. These things make it easy to stop and breathe and re-set. Sometimes I have to really remind myself to slow down, but these views really do stop me in my tracks, and I am reminded why I still live here.

The Garden:

With all the unpredictable weather, and in order to avoid covering my plants because of frost, the final seeds of our garden didn’t get planted until Memorial Day.

We still had one day where snow appeared on the foot-hills but my veggies managed to escape getting too cold!

Now that June has arrived, and the sun is appearing on a regular basis, it is so fun to see all the sprouts popping up! This is definitely one of my favorite parts of the gardening process.


The girls and I go out each day, excited to see just which new seeds might have sprouted overnight. I feel the same bit of eager anticipation as the girls, and it reminds me just how joyful some of the simplest things can be. 

All of our leafy greens in the shadier, west facing garden bed have begun to really take off and I smile looking at the random clumps that need a bit of thinning… someone put a lot of seeds in that hole! 😉 This Year we did spinach, baby kale, red leaf and butter lettuce.

In our sunny south facing  bed, the  last seed to sprout was the zucchini plant which will now take off growing furiously. Zucchini bread, grilled zucchini, kabobs, zucchini waffles…I am already lining up all the things to make with it! In addition to the zucchini, I put the spaghetti squash, beets and carrots in this same bed.

We mostly planted from seed, but our trip to the nursery for flowers and the tomato start was so fun! Each of the girls got to pick out which flowers they wanted to pot. Nora picked daisies and Gemma picked “this pretty red one” which I honestly don’t know the name of!

I always do a variety of herbs as well, so I was able to stock up on those and just recently got them all potted. My biggest herb problem is that Nora loves to eat them plain. Every morning she goes out and says “I just need to start my day with a little parsley”. It’s rather amusing, but I keep reminding her that she can’t eat it all before it grows enough for me to use!

These early spring growings are so rewarding, seeing the effort put in beginning to produce. Just a few days more and we can pick our first harvest!

Are you growing a garden this year? I love hearing about everyone’s different garden experiences and what your garden is producing. Leave me a comment below or tag me on instagram @montainberry_eats to show me what’s growing in your garden!

Spread the goodness and share this recipe with others!

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