Rambling Garden Thoughts

Deep breathe in, and exhale. 

Feel the sun on your face. 

Smell the dirt. 

Deep breathe in, and exhale
The initial effort of cleaning up garden beds and adding compost has already been done.

The sun is beginning to peek out a bit more regularly, Spring truly is showing her face.

As I don my gardening gloves for the first planting session of the season, I feel the stress of gloomy weather and quarantine drama begin to roll off my shoulders.

I run my hands through the soil, now warm and tilled. 
Picking up a handful of dirt, I let it drop back into the garden bed.
I repeat this ritual in unison.
Deep breathe in.
Feel the sun.
Smell the dirt.
Scoop and release the soil. 
Soon this empty soil will be brimming with life. 
Those little seeds contain so much bounty.

The process truly is amazing to me year after year; 
something so small and seemingly insignificant can bring hope, 
can bring life,
can bring joy.
Deep breathe in. 
Feel the sun. 
Smell the dirt. 
Scoop and release the soil. 
I’ve found my rhythm now, my calm, my stress release.

As I feel the stress drop away with the soil, I can now relate to and converse with my Maker.

Little seeds dropped in one by one, then covered with dirt. 
I pat them gently, almost as if tucking them in.
Deep breathe in. 
Feel the sun. 
Smell the dirt. 
Scoop and release the soil. 
All this dirt, all this grime. 
As I begin to water the freshly planted seeds I can’t help but smile and think at how similar I can be to this process. 

All those hopes and aspirations, all the dirt and grime of life, sometimes what seems so insignificant and small just needs a bit of tending.
Soon this soil will be brimming with life.
Spring, truly is showing her face.

Spread the goodness and share this recipe with others!

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